Warehousing Specification

Warehousing Specification

  • Hidden
  • Hidden
  • Hidden
  • Warehousing Specification

  • Company Details

  • Company Name
  • Company Address
  • Contact Person
  • Contact Phone Number
  • Contact Email
  • The Product

  • Product/s
  • Hazardous
  • Temperature Controlled
  • Special Handling Requirements
  • Unit Size
  • Unit Weight
  • Master Carton Size
  • Master Carton Weight
  • The Required Services

  • Required Location/s
  • Company’s ERP/Fulfilment Platform
  • Segment
  • Inbound Details

  • Inbound Mode
  • Estimated Inbounds Per Year
  • Estimated Quantity Per Inbound (Master Cartons)
  • Number of SKUs
  • Master Cartons With Barcode Labels for SKU & QTY
  • Storage Details

  • Average No of Pallets Per Month
  • Average No of Cartons Per Month
  • Stackable
  • Outbound Details

  • Outbound Mode
  • Estimated Orders Per Month
  • Special Handling Requirements
  • Other Services Requirement

  • Disposal
  • Sorting
  • System Integration (API)
  • Removals
  • Hidden
  • Hidden
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